My Podcast, "More than a Merchant Mariner's Wife"

Did you know I have a Podcast? It's called "More Than a Merchant Mariner's Wife: Empowering women to reconnect with themselves and unite with each other." This is a place where women whose partners are at sea can find support, connection, and empowerment. I’ve lived this crazy life of a daughter or wife of Merchant Mariners my whole life and I'm also a mom of 3 so if you’re looking for someone who understands the ins and outs of this lifestyle and the strength it takes to keep things afloat at home while your partner is at sea, I'm your girl!

Even if you don't have a partner working at sea, I've been told this podcast is for everyone who's balancing being a woman and managing a home with or without kids.  While I gear my content more towards Mariner Wives, all are welcome here!


Take a listen!